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The Seventh-Day Resource Centre

Eating for Health Recipe Club


Last Supper

RECIPE : Healthy Cooking IN HAMILTON



1 of YOU - Come and Join Us for a Cooking Treat! On the 4th Tuesday of each month from 7.00pm til 8.30pm.
1 or More of Your Friends!
1 Location - The Salvation Army Church Hall, Corner Clarke and Kennedy Streets Hamilton.
1 Small Donation - Bring along $5.00 to assist with ingredients.
1 Keen Interest
1 Pen and Paper - for a few notes.



  1. Take a seat, sit back and relax as our chef for the evening takes you through a gourmet treat of vegetarian cooking.

  2. Enjoy the sweet aromas of the dishes as 2 or 3 fantastic meals are skilfully prepared and explained.

  3. Sit back and relax as you listen to the speaker of the night explain some very healthy lifestyle changes that everyone should make to have a brighter future.

  4. Upon completion, sink your teeth into a tasty sample of the dishes that were created.



As an added bonus, Dr Peter Tung will take you through a short lecture covering the topics of "Your Health and Eating Right." Ask questions and have them answered, all the time gaining skill and knowledge that the whole family can enjoy.



Contact us via email for more Information and bookings.


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