The 8 Laws of Health
The Fourth Law of Health is
One of the most healing agents of nature is one of the least understood and least used methods of therapy today - Sunlight.
The benefits of sunlight are many:
- The sun transforms cholesterol found just under the skin to Vitamin
- Bacteria and viruses are destroyed.
- Cholesterol and triglycerides (fat) levels are lowered in the blood
by exposure to the sun.
- The available white blood cell count is increased.
- Blood pressure is lowered.
The therapeutic effects of the ultraviolet rays occur just below the level of the skin, so don‘t burn!
- Start with 10 minutes and gradually increase your exposure time as
your skin tans.
- The safest time of the day to sun bathe is before 10 a.m. and after
3 pin.
- The more skin exposed. the better.
- Be sure to eat a natural diet which is low in fat and protein and
high in carotene, which helps you to tan and gain the beneficial
- It is important that the eyes receive a full spectrum of
light, so spend time outside without glasses or contact lenses.
- Tests have shown that people with a high fat diet develop skin
cancer more readily than those on a low fat diet.
T = Temperance |