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The Seventh-Day Resource Centre

The 8 Laws of Health




The Fifth Law of Health is


Temperance, or self-control, is having a totally healthy and balanced lifestyle in every Way.  It includes the proper ratio of work to play, personal time verses time with the family and friends, right eating, right thinking, time spent with God...

Temperance is moderation in every sphere of our lives. It includes more than just avoiding drugs, alcohol and over-eating. True self-control is avoiding those things that are harmful and using in moderation those things that are good.


Temperance in eating includes:

  • Eating nothing that is harmful, and eating moderately of good healthy food.

  • Eating breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper.

  • Eating nothing between meals except Water.

  • Eating a variety of foods as grown, with nothing refined.

  • Not eating too wide a variety of foods at any one meal.

  • Eating at regular times in a relaxed and cheerful environment.

  • Enjoying your food.


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