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The Seventh-Day Resource Centre

The 8 Laws of Health




The Sixth Law of Health is


Air is crucial to our health. We can live weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air. The strength of our bodies is dependant, to a large degree, upon the amount of pure air that we breathe. Lack of oxygen at a cellular level may play a role in the development of various degenerative diseases such as hardening of the arteries, diabetes, glaucoma, cancer, hypertension, and arthritis.


By breathing deeply of fresh air, the oxygen level of the cells is increased and thereby the body functions are improved.

  • Exercise regularly in the open air.

  • Practice deep breathing.

  • Avoid. smog, tobacco smoke and fumes.

  • Air out bedding and clothing.

  • Sleep with good ventilation, even in winter time.

  • Take holidays near oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.


The lasting benefits of breathing pure air are many:

  • Increases cellular resistance to infections.

  • Aids learning.

  • Alleviates certain allergic conditions.

  • Changes brain function for calmness and relaxation.

  • Lowers blood pressure.


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