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The Seventh-Day Resource Centre

Club Recipes - Savouries

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Pear Cream Topping


Carrot & Caraway Loaf


  • Preparation time:
  • Cooking time:
  • Serves:




1/2kg peeled carrots, steamed and mashed (don’t puree)
1 large onion, finely chopped Olive oil
2 cloves garlic crushed 1 ½ c cashew nuts finely ground
1 ½ c fresh bread crumbs 1 ½ t caraway seeds
¼ c water Juice of a ½ a large lemon
1T tahini 1t marmite
1t salt



  1. Sauté onion in olive oil until soft.

  2. Add garlic and sauté 1-2 minutes.

  3. Mix together cashews, breadcrumbs and caraway seeds.

  4. Add mashed carrots and sautéed onions/garlic.

  5. Mix water, lemon juice, tahini, marmite, and salt together.

  6. Add to previously combined ingredients.
  7. Mix well.

  8. Line a medium casserole dish with baking paper and place in mixture.

  9. Make sure it is well spread into the corners and smooth on edges.

  10. Run over loaf with back of a spoon or fork to pack loaf properly into dish.
    (If it is not packed in properly it will crumble when cut).

  11. Cover with alfoil and bake at 180C for 1hr.

  12. Remove foil and bake for a further 10 min. (To improve the flavour, refrigerate overnight).

  13. Lift loaf out of baking dish by grasping the sides of the baking paper and cut into slices.

  14. Served hot or cold.





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